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Free Chicken Behaviour Course (Online)

This course will explain the general principles of chicken behaviour and welfare, and the behavioural and physiological indicators that can be used to assess welfare in chickens…

EventLivestock / PoultryFriday 3 April, 2015


Online Show Guide

How our online shows work at TAS - the rules, how to enter, how online shows are judged, prizes, entry fees and everythi…

PageMonday 5 December, 2011


Pig costs

Is small-scale pig-keeping economic?…

ArticleLivestock / PigsSunday 4 September, 2011


Butchering poultry

If you're going to keep poultry for meat, you need to know how to butcher birds…

ArticleLivestock / PoultryTuesday 25 September, 2012


The Chariot

Now I needed a cart, but couldn’t afford one so I built a wooden chariot out of scrap wood. …

ArticleSmallholding / EquinesMonday 31 March, 2014


Hay and straw for goats

Good hay is the most vital part of any goats diet. It should be available ad lib at all times of the year.…

ArticleLivestock / GoatsWednesday 11 December, 2013



Poultry hybrids tend to be specialist strains developed for the commercial market to produce either eggs or meat.…

ArticleLivestock / PoultryThursday 8 September, 2011


Introduction to Smallholding Course

A one day course on our 12 acre smallholding for those interested in getting started in smallholding…

ArticleSmallholding / Smallholding CoursesWednesday 7 December, 2011


Introduction to Small-Scale Sheep Keeping Course

A one day sheep keeping course for those who are interested in keeping a small flock of sheep.…

ArticleSmallholding / Smallholding CoursesSunday 17 March, 2013


The inaugural TAS Online Poultry Show happens to fall across Christmas and New Year, so as well as a prize class for Best Cockerel there's a class for Best Winter Hen. …

OnlineshowLivestock / PoultryThursday 15 December, 2011

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