
December 2021RSS feed

Amaretti biscuits / Snowy Rocky Road / Thomas the Tank

Monday 6 December, 2021

by Rosemary at 2:58pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 29th November

Brrr, cold this morning but clear and still. Clouded over midday.

The cows are now in. There’s no grass and they’ll just start to make a mess. Grey will be happy to have 24/7 company; maybe his lessons will progress better now.

Great customer service isn’t always the norm with online sales so I’d like to share a good one. Dan ordered 500ml bottle of Closamectin from Farmvetsupplies. My phone rang about noon with an Enniskillen number; it was a person at the company to tell me the only 500ml bottles they had was dated January 2022 and was that OK. I said no, I wouldn’t be using it until February – so she asked if she could swap it for two 250ml bottles dated June 2022, if she could do it at the same price. I said “yes, please”. I think that’s pretty impressive.

Murray / Niamh / RPID inspection

Wednesday 15 December, 2021

by Rosemary at 9:45am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 6th December

Raw weather today – cold and damp. Now that all the leaves are off the trees, Dan went off to start clearing the ditch. He got about half done, so he’ll do the rest this week.

I had a wee tidy up, did some paperwork, put up the Christmas tree and some of the decorations. Then I made a start on the hen houses. I’ve taken out the perches and will pressure wash them; I managed to get the nest boxes cleaned out in both and the brown house shovelled out. I’ll finish them tomorrow -

Niamh / Annie and Rosie / Gotcha Days

Monday 20 December, 2021

by Rosemary at 11:38am in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 13th December

Oh, my goodness, I had lovely day out – in a dress with perfume on – having afternoon tea at Inglewood House Hotel. It’s a glorious building, built as family home early in the 20th century by the Paton family  – it used to be a business centre and Dan had an office there (in the servants quarters, I think). I took the train, which was relaxing. I don’t like driving in the dark much.

Dan bought me a new brush for doing the cow shed floor – the old one finally gave up the ghost and broke in two this morning. The new one is FAB! How easy pleased am I?

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