Turkey / Socks / Winter preparations
Monday 2 September, 2024
Monday 26th August
Cool and a heavy dew first thing, but no wind. Sun out by 9am. Lovely sunrise.
Beautiful sunrise.
I weeded half the brassica bed before my chum Tara arrived. I was going to pull out this parsley that’s gone to seed, but it was moving with pollinators.
Parsley and pollinators.
Jungle / Yarn / Land Justice
Monday 9 September, 2024
Monday 2nd September
Rain overnight and most of the day. I’m less tired from the weekend at our Party Conference than I thought I would be. But since it’s raining, we’re having a restful day and doing some Festival stuff. Dan is knitting his sock entry for the Festival.
Zoom meeting tonight with the Festival livestock Stewards.
Tuesday 3rd September
MUCH nicer today; wet underfoot this morning but broken cloud and warming up nicely as the sun got out. We have so much grass.
Frost / Harvest / Anniversary
Monday 16 September, 2024
Monday 9th September
Feels very autumnal now; cool this morning, then warm and sunny, fading to cool, pretty breezy and a bit of drizzle just as I took the dogs out this evening for the “Big Sniff”. They’re out most of the day with us or in the garden, but they do like a daunder along to “The Green” where many local dogs are walked, for a sniff. Gwenna does every blade of grass; Bryn’s more a “sniff, pee and go” dog.
Paperwork first thing, then off to Balgove Farm Shop to meet my good friend, Carol, for lunch and a chance to put the world to rights. I may have bored her with my new found love of economics and Richard Murphy.
Bridge / Equinox / Fires
Monday 23 September, 2024
Monday 16th September
Beautiful start to the day and the week, with a good forecast for the week that will end with the Autumn Equinox.
Apart from tidying the garden, the next five weeks will be about the Scottish Smallholder Festival. My last one. Hope to make it a good one.
Dottie found a box to sit it. To watch Dan weeding. It’s perfectly Dottie-sized.
Dottie's box.
Cat flap / New planting / Pigeon
Sunday 29 September, 2024
Monday 23rd September
Real autumn feel today; cool, overcast. The trees are starting to change in earnest and the ponies’ coats are thickening up.
Spent three hours at our new Indy Hub, then delivered some leaflets. Festival stuff next. Really need to get a shift on.
Dottie caught a pigeon. Don’t know who was more surprised. I thought she might have peaked with butterflies. Cooper killed it.
Dottie's pigeo, with Cooper.
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