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Wednesday 30 December, 2009

by Rosemary at 9:46am in Wildlife Comments closed

Last week, Dan and I noticed a large flock of brown birds in the field opposite the house. We tried to get a photographs, but the quality through the window was poor and when Dan opened the door they flew off. I consulted my "Reader's Digest" Book of British Birds, and decided they were curlews. I don't think I've ever seen a curlew before.

Well, they were back yesterday, this time in our river paddock. There were about twenty, maybe. I still failed to get a photograph, but maybe third time lucky.

Red Kites at Argaty

Friday 25 September, 2009

by Rosemary at 8:07pm in Wildlife Comments closed

I was doing a previsit for a forthcoming farm visit at a farm near Doune. The owners do an awful lot of conservation work and their site at Argaty is home to dozens of Red Kite.

These birds were exterminated in Scotland at the end of the 19th cenury but were re-introduced in 1996. The birds are fed at 3pm and there were around 25 of them today - there has been up to 51 birds at one time. With a five foot wingspan, one is impressive - 25 are breathtaking.

If you get a chance to visit, please do.

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