Posted: Monday 20 October, 2008
I don't think Chip is very well. He seems a bit lethargic, so I've kept him in today (in the broody coop / sick bay) and put him back in the little ark and run tonight with five of the Cream Legbar hens. I'll keep them all in tomorrow and worm them, just in case, and see how he goes. I hope he's OK.
I don't think he's being bullied by Hector - Hector seems to ignore Chip completely. Maybe he's upset at having a wimpy name - when we named Hector, I wanted to change Chip's name to Lysander, but Dan wouldn't let me.
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Oh well :-) He's Chip now, even if it's not very grand.
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Tuesday 21 October, 2008 at 3:44pm
Ha! I don't remember that! Nor ever being able to not let you do anything!