
Getting in the last fruit treesRSS feed

Posted: Friday 30 March, 2012

by Rosemary at 8:01pm in Orchard Comments closed

We had set ourselves a target of planting all the fruit trees by the end of March. This morning, all that remained of the 70 trees we bought were four pear, to be trained up the west wall of the West Range and four "spare" apple trees.

John had cut wooden battens to take the wires a few days ago and I had applied wood preservative; John put them up yesterday and this morning, Dan planted the four trees. Tomorrow, I'm going to prune them and tie them in. We're going to espalier train them rather than fan train.

I think John and LInda are going to put the four apple trees in their garden somewhere. Hopefully, by the end of March smiley

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