
GM doubtsRSS feed

Posted: Tuesday 24 February, 2004

by Dan at 8:45pm in Agriculture 1 comment Comments closed

While the UK government prepares to take a decision which very few of its citizens support and which could have far-reaching implications for the environment, the man who is effectively Ethiopia's Environment Minister had this to say on the issue of GM crops:

"A single technology does not constitute development. There is no evidence that GM varieties produce better or more than their non-GM counterparts. They only bring in new vulnerabilities." (BBC News)

Mr Blair, Mr Morley, are you listening (to anyone other than Monsanto)?


T. Carter

Wednesday 25 February, 2004 at 12:29pm

Even more fun, it looks like the pro-GM crowd is being forced to realize that bees and other pollinators will take material from GM plants and mix it with natural plants, spreading the GM material far and wide.

Article from yesterday's Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A486-2004Feb23.html

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