Posted: Monday 2 March, 2020
Monday 24th February
It’s less windy than it’s been; that’s the only good bit. Otherwise, it’s grey and sleeting. So having a day in the office is just dandy. The man from Coventry Fencing came to have a look at some work we want done, with a view to giving us a quote. Normally Dan does all the fencing but he’s so busy with webby work, the list is getting longer. The farmer we buy our hay from is probably going to do the ground works arising from the septic tank affair.
Tuesday 25th February
Braw day. Feels like spring. My chum Carol came to visit with her two incredibly well trained Labradors; we took all four dogs to Monikie Country Park for a sunny but bracing walk. Ours are exhausted. Thankfully, their batteries are very rechargeable.
The ponies have finished the hay bale and made a bit of a mess. This isn't really working - they're eating too much. Put out a new bale woith the big hay net over it. Hopefully that will slow consumption and reduce the mess..
Wednesday 26th February
Another braw day – long may it continue! We had a meeting with a local willow weaver and she’s going to run some course here – very pleased about that.
Popped down to East PItkerro and filled up the hay rack from the three dumpy bags we left last time. That should do them until Friday when we put in a new bale and bring Zephyr home.
It’s a good forecast for tomorrow, so working late so I don’t have to go into the office tomorrow.
Thursday 27th February
Wee trip to Inveraldie this afternoon to give a talk to Tealing SWI about our smallholding life. Always enjoy these events. I’ve to send them a copy of the Festival Garden, Craft and Food Schedule and in lieu of a fee, they’re going to donate to our Shetland cattle film crowd funder.
Meanwhile, we’ve had an architect out to look at the West Range with a view to doing some further conversion work.
Spent some time taking photos of now redundant sheep equipment and putting it on Facebook. Kinda sad.
Friday 28th February
Dan was up sharp this morning to take a trailer of manure to the community garden. He reckons there’s room for a further trailer load, which is great.
After breakfast, I picked up two bales of hay for here, then Dan and I picked up a further two bales for East PItkerro. Unloaded them, loaded Zephyr, who just walked on to the trailer like she’d done it a thousand times, and brought her home. She’s bulling. Poor Ace. I thought Rosie would be more interested in her calf but she wasn’t. Left Zeph munching hay – maybe enjoying having unrestricted access to food and no steers hassling her.
Saturday 29th February
Fair bit of rain overnight and windy first thing, but clearing mid morning. Dan was playing football this afternoon so shot out with his to do list and scored three things off before 10am. He then went off to sort comfrey orders.
I intended to ride but Smokey’s lost weight and his girth was too long. Bought a new one so ready to go now.
Been handling Zeph twice a day and brushing her. She’s a bit spooky still but getting better.
Sunday 1st March
Dry and windy, changing to wet and windier – but it’s to be a good week, so decided to get into the office and get the end of month paperwork done so I can have all week outside.
Our farmer chum came down to have a look at the required groundworks - hopefully it'll get doen sooner rather than later.
Injected all the female sheep with Heptavac and sorted out the lambing box. I need to decide where I’m going to put lambing pens this year.
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