
Highland Show / Strawberries / ToesRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 2 July, 2023

by Rosemary at 2:47pm in Smallholding Comments closed

Monday 19th June

There’s been a fair bit or rain overnight; today has been intermittent cloud and sun, and windy.

Dentist this morning – nothing needing done, thankfully. I’ve spent most of the day at my desk doing Festival stuff and other bits and pieces.

Dan moved two sinks from the patio to the classroom door. I will plant them up with geraniums or something equally hardy.

Pleasingly, Skip had drawn Socks into his sugar beet addiction.

Tuesday 20th June

Dan and I were thoroughly soaked at the Scotland v Georgia match at Hampden this evening. I can’t remember the last time I was that wet with clothes on. Still, it was warm rain, and the result was worth it. Planning our holidays to Germany next summer – hope we’re not being premature.

Wednesday 21st June

It’s just a social whirl this week. This evening I had dinner with Rebecca and Tara then off to the cinema to see “Greatest Days. It was OK.

Thursday 22nd June

Starting to get a good crop of strawberries from our wee patch, and we had our first peas plus some carrots from the polytunnel for dinner tonight.

Sadly, we drank the last of our apple juice this morning. Still, we’ve done well. Won’t be too long until this year’s crop is ready.

Friday 23rd June

Today was my first day at the Royal Highland Show this year. I wasn’t due on shift on the RBST stand until 1pm, so I had a pretty leisurely drive down – with no queuing traffic. The tent looked terrific – best since we stopped having livestock on the stand. The talk I arranged on micro dairying went well – small but interested audience and I’m planning to replicate it at the Festival, if the contributors are willing. Last stop was the CabSec’s Reception. Had such a job finding the venue, then it was so hot and crowded, I didn’t linger. Back again on Sunday.

Saturday 24th June

Spent the day at the SNP Convention on Independence, leaving feeling uplifted. The mendacious media coverage and the social media nonsense, which was pretty inevitable, briefly dampened spirits but onwards and upwards.

Sunday 25th June

Very hot again this morning. I was a bit worried about Blizz; took her a carrot and an apple and asked Dan to keep an eye on her, but she was up grazing before I left, so I’m probably being overanxious on account of her age.

Back to Royal Highland Show, again for the afternoon shift. One of the disadvantages of arriving late is having to park what seems like miles from the showground. I bought a sun hat and it absolutely bucketed about 3pm. It was expected but it was torrential.

Great to hear Wales winning the two major prizes in the ‘Golden Shears” – the Welsh supporters, as always, were in fantastic voice. The “Golden Shears” arena was just round the corner from our stand. If it wasn’t Scotland winning, then glad it was Wales.

We all felt sorry for the participants in the glorious, but damp, heavy horse parade. The horses looked fine, but the ladies in the private driving turnouts in particular, looked a bit sad in their soaked finery.

W/e Sunday 2nd July

Honestly, the last week has passed in a blur, so I’m not even attempting a proper diary. I had two ingrown toenails removed on Wednesday, which pretty much wiped out Thursday, but I have no excuse for the rest of the week other than it just passed in a flash. I've a new computer setup and I can't upload photos - determined to do better next week.

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