
How long does a job take?RSS feed

Posted: Saturday 19 March, 2011

by Rosemary at 8:45pm in Fencing Comments closed

I think the best way to estimate it is to work out how long you think it will take, then double it.

The fence in Five Acre Field is finished!!! Only the enclosure at the field shelter to finish in the morning and the heifers can go out. Hope it's a nice day tomorrow. The ponies are on the track in Sheepfold, much to their disgust, and the ewes will be in the south half of Five Acre, out of the way. I don't want them upset this close to lambing.

Strainers in

Posts and bottom wire in

All done (apart from a top electric wire)

We'll be setting up a race for the heifers - hopefully blocking off all the diversions - then letting them run. Steve has been helping John and Dan with the fencing and is coming down for the big release - it will be god to have someone there with more experience of cattle. It's a case of hoping for the best and planning for the worst.

Linda asked if I'd be walking them out on the halters - now that WOULD be a good video. They may, of course, walk quietly to the field, but after six months indoors, I somehow doubt it.

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