Posted: Thursday 2 March, 2006
This is soooo wonderful I can't tell you.
Put 200ml creme fraiche in a measuring jug and make up to 800ml with whole milk. Put the milk and the creme fraiche in a large saucepan and add 40g of golden caster sugar and 175g of carnaroli or arborio risotto rice. Bring to a gentle simmer, stirring occasionally. Add 50g of good quality dark chocolate (70+% cocoa solids) and allow to melt. Transfer the mix to a shallow, buttered dish and put in a preheated oven at 150C / 300F / Gas mark 2 for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, stir in any skin, return to the oven for a further 15 minutes. Chop the remaining 50g of chocolate. Remove the rice from the oven - it should be cooked but not mush. Stir in any skin. Sprinkle the chopped chocolate on top and cover the dish (I used a chopping board). In a few minutes, the chopped chocolate will have melted into chocolatey pools in the chocolate rice. Drizzle with single cream and serve in warmed bowls with more cream handed round.
This serves 6 - it didn't look a lot because we served it in big bowls, but it is very rich. And very wonderful.
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It is awesomely good. And I'm not a huge sweet fan, so that's high praise!

I really think you should acknowledge Delia Smith on this one

Spot on. This is a Delia recipe from the Red Nose Day booklet of a couple of years ago. I haven't tried any of the others yet - I just want to eat this one all the time. She really is the best.
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Jane Perrone
Friday 3 March, 2006 at 12:27pm
Wow! That sounds gorgeous - I love risotto and I love chocolate, so will have to give it a try!