
Out and aboutRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 22 February, 2004

by Rosemary at 8:33pm in Cats Comments closed

It's been a lovely weekend here, so Copper had her first outing on Saturday. She had a lovely time exploring the garden, particularly Cassius's cat mint, sizing up the hens and chasing the dogs. We're pleased that she seems to be quite settled and happy. She's been out again today (Sunday) and, after a sardine tea, she's been lying in front of the open fire toasting her toes. She is an absolute sweetheart and we're really glad to have her.

However, we've discovered Copper's weakness - chimneys! We have an open fire in the living room. The fire has a little hatch at the back, presumably to stop draughts when the fire isn't lit. This hatch had been left open last night and Dan spotted Copper's tail disappearing up through the hatch this morning. Fortunately, she couldn't go far but she was pretty dirty and was very smokey smelling when she reappeared. The hatch is now firmly shut when the fire isn't lit.

Homer's doing well - becoming much more relaxed and proactive. I think he likes Copper. He is, at least, fascinated by her. She's very vocal and the two of them seem to "talk" to each other.

Cassius is still top cat, without a doubt. We've hardly seen him this weekend, as the sap rises and new, baby bunnies make an appearance. He'll barely eat at home for the next few months.

Tess and Meg have had a great weekend - out and about all day, each day. Both have been very busy digging today. No idea what for, but it certainly tires them out...

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