Posted: Monday 2 December, 2024
Monday 25th November
Blowing a hoolie, but dry and sunny until about 3.30pm, when light rain started. I thought it was just getting dark, but it wasn’t. The ground has that scoured look.
Dan suggested this. It's done in Lonicera nitida, as ours is.
Lonicera nitida cat hedge.
Dan set the frame for the base for the sitooterie this afternoon, despite the inclement weather. Murdo’s here tomorrow, so the plan is to get the ballast in and concrete poured. I think we MAY get the building this week!
I was faffing around doing wee jobs that I’d been putting off, like defrosting the freezers. I’ve got two done and will get the third done tomorrow.
Today’s soup is leek and potato.
Cooper likes the old church pew. It’s a perfect size for him and he’s right in the middle of all comings and goings.
Cooper's pew.
Doc thinks I may have an ulcer. I had some tests done last week and he wants to speak with me. I guess if it was urgent, the call wouldn’t be in two weeks, but I’m a wee bit worried.
Tuesday 26th November
Better day today, mainly because the wind has dropped. Lorna and I had our regular walk along the front. We might try going the other way on Friday, for a change.
Dan and Murdo got the base for the sitooterie poured.
Sotooterie base.
The fan in our cooker has packed in; getting a repair done is challenging.
CA meeting tonight. The Hubgate saga goes on.
Wednesday 27th November
Hubgate gets worse. I feel like my integrity is being called into question by certain parties on the CA. It was a hard job, wearing multiple hats, but my intentions were always to do right by all parties. It’s a bit like the “taking down of the sign” issue – it wasn’t the taking down that was the issue per se, it was our failure to ask permission from those that feel they should have been asked. It’s very tiresome. And stressful. I will resign all my office bearer posts if that’s the block.
Thursday 28th November
Feeling very stressed about the shop issue. My whole body is tense and my stomach hurts. Just need to get it resolved but it’s out of my hands now. I can feel my heart thumping all the time and I just want to cry. This is not fun.
Very cold this morning, with a hard frost.
Cleaned our bedroom; pulled out all the furniture, vacuumed, wiped the skirtings, polished the furniture. Finished a tin of spray polish. Dan suggested it might have been a wedding present. Haha.
White frost at 4pm but by 7pm, the temperature had risen, frost gone and 4C. Quiz night tonight. Great fun. We almost won.
Friday 29th November
Milder and damp today, but cold enough to feel pretty raw.
Dan and Murdo cleaned out the trailer and took photos, ready for it going on the market. Then they manured and covered the carrot bed – or most of it – with black plastic. I need to lift the carrots now.
Carrot bed - the last one to be covered.
After sinking the cable to the sitooterie, which is being installed on Monday, they set to creating more paths to where the sitooterie will be.
Found Mickey's pass port on the barn floor. It stinks of horse pee. Truly rank. Dan has banned it from the house and its envorone. I need to get a new one.
Mickey's passport..
Saturday 30th November
It’s St Andrew’s Day and I am so tired. Those two things aren't related. No real reason, just am. And we’re going out tonight. And we did a wee Bridges4Indy, 11am to 12,30. We stopped early because it looked like rain.
Mild and damp is the order of the day. Dan and Andy split wood and finished the backlog. Then after lunch Dan took down a dead beech, which will provide more edging for paths.
I did the shopping list for the cupboard shop tomorrow. Took the opportunity to wash down the shelves in the pantry and do a “date check”. The hens have plenty treats to look forward to, although Dan did put some things back!
Sunday 1st December
Damp this morning and very warm at around 11-13C. We had our morning cuppa on the base of the sitooterie. It’s being delivered tomorrow morning so we’re quite excited. Dan carried on with putting in paths.
My big job was shopping but I also had some wee jobs to do, just pottering. Good to get them done though. Big week, next week.
Informal paths.
More paths going in
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