
Planting potatoesRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 14 March, 2010

by Rosemary at 7:45pm in Growing Comments closed

We cleaned the greenhouse on Saturday; we didn't do it last year and it was pretty mucky. It took about 3 hours to do; Dan took out the panes and I washed them, while he cleaned the frame and floor. By then the panes were ready to go back in. We managed not to break any this year and it looks great.

Now the greenhouse is clean, I can put some stuff in it! We're not going to plant the vegetable garden this year. We will sow green manure, probably red clover and we can graze lambs on it if we want to. We're going to plant stuff in pots and take it with us, and hopefully sow and plant when we get there in mid-May.

Today, I sowed 28 pots of tomatoes from four varieties - Gartenperle, Moneymaker, Gardener's Delight and Tamina. They are last year's seed so I put two or three in each pot. As a companion, I also sowed some marigolds.

Red Duke of York

Leeks went into trays today - one of Hannibal and one of Bandit. And some early potatoes, Mimi, Vivaldi and Red Duke of York in pots. I've labelled them well so we shoudl know what does well. Come April, I'll start more plants off, ready for the journey North.

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