Posted: Thursday 23 February, 2006
We leg ringed our hens last weekend. We've never bothered before but I thought we should have some means of telling them apart. I envy people who can identify each hen - ours remain a kind of collective. Obviously, I can tell the Brown Leghorn from from the five RIR but the RIR are sufficiently similar that I can't tell them apart easily; likewise the Light Sussex. To be honest, sometimes I confuse Tess and Meg with each other and Cassius and Felix (if they aren't together).
Anyway, our hens now sport nice coloured leg rings in pink, purple, blue, green, yellow and red. They're like Reservoir Hens!!

Specially if it's a boy goat!!
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Monday 27 February, 2006 at 10:15am
poor cats! I hope they're better, and you're not loosing fingers trying to give them their anti-biotics! I think the leg rings for the hens are a great idea, I have a friend who gives her goats different collars to wear so we know who is who(its not a good idea to milk the wrong goat!!)