Posted: Sunday 11 February, 2024
Monday 5th February
Still windy. Dan started removing the gooseberries – and the huge amounts of ground elder.
Tuesday 6th February
Racing corgis. That’s Gwenna at the back – not because she’s slower, but because she’d have been distracted by some smell.
Bryn and Gwenna.
Vet was out to give Smokey his annual onceover, flu & tet, and teeth check. He behaved perfectly. Although, I think he’s hoping he won’t be noticed if the vet returns before next year.
Smokey being coy.
Wednesday 7th February
Sleepers for the sunken garden delivered. We’ve decided to take three of the four sets of steps out. They aren’t very bonny and they aren’t needed – plus it makes the installation of the sleepers easier. Dan hopes to make a start on the installation next week.
Larch sleepers.
The greenkeeping team from the golf course were here today, clearing our ditch. Really good of them – I think there were six blokes with brush cutters and it took them no time. What a difference – the water is flowing freely now. The neighbouring land owner has also cleared his bit of the ditch – he has the culvert under the road and it was totally clogged up.
Ditch running freely.
Thursday 8th February
Tara and I took our pack of four dogs to Crombie Country Park for a walk and a blether. Forecast for tomorrow is horrible. Bryn and Gwenna loved it; we met lots of dogs and Gwenna’s behaviour was impeccable. It just seems to be round “her territory” that she’s a bit defensive. We’re going to go again next week.
Friday 9th February
Made Banana & choc chip muffins and Peanut & apricot flapjack and took a mixed box over for Gary and the Greenkeepers. Not a nice day – very windy and wet, although not as wet as forecast.
Saturday 10th February
When I took the muffins over yesterday, I asked if someone would bring the tin back when it was empty. Gary texted Dan this morning to say it was now empty and they’d bring it back on Monday.
We had another landscaper out today to give us a price for the front garden. Fingers and toes crossed. He’s done work here before and he’s excellent.
Sunday 11th February
Still damp and breezy. I need some sunshine. The article I referred to last week has progressed but isn’t finished. Tolstoy has less trouble with “War and Peace”. It will be finished by close of play tomorrow.
Festival arrangements proceeding.