
Sloe ginRSS feed

Posted: Friday 2 December, 2011

by Rosemary at 7:38pm in Brewing & Winemaking 3 comments Comments closed

We've bottled our sloe gin and vodka. The recipe says to keep it for 18 months - but it's lovely now. Just had a wee taste with tonic. The smart money's not on 18months - 18 weeks, maybe wink



Saturday 3 December, 2011 at 9:18am

or 18 days if the weather turns really cold?

Our Smallholding

Tuesday 6 December, 2011 at 6:34pm

I hope you didn't discard the sloes :) I've kept ours to chop up and add to dark chocolate....

Now that's sinful!

The sloes are so laced with alcohol that they will readily keep in an airtight container for quite a long time. They also make great snack-food - if you want to settle down to an indulgent evening of pampering or watching TV.


Tuesday 6 December, 2011 at 7:33pm

No, we didn't discard them!

We've poured a bottle of pale sherry over them, and will leave for 3 months as suggested by a friend.

Then we'll make chocolates!

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