
Tess, the bird dogRSS feed

Posted: Sunday 20 February, 2011

by Rosemary at 6:04pm in Wildlife Comments closed

Peter was here today catching and ringing some wild birds. Our Tess has adopted him and follows him everywhere when he's here. When he's ringing, she sits and watches - I think she hopes that a stray bird might fall into her mouth. I did offer to shut her in but Peter was quite happy with her.

Today, despite the weather, he caught 41 birds, 10 of which had been caught before. There was a Tree Sparrow today and another Brambling - and adult female this time. She was beautiful. He saw lots of Goldfinches but none were caught. As last time, there were a lot of tits - 2 Coal, 10 Great and 11 Blue.

Next time, if it's not windy, he's going to try and net our woodpeckers. We have a peanut feeder and two half coconuts out now and we regularly see (and hear) them. The coconut seems to be a particular favourite of theirs and they are a particular favourite of ours.

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