
Pot Tetris / First paths / RhubarbRSS feed

Posted: Monday 1 April, 2024

by Rosemary at 9:25am in Smallholding 3 comments Comments closed

Monday 25th March

Spring seems to be on hold. It’s cool and cloudy – but dry. Riley’s been really scooty overnight; she pooped in a clean litter tray and there was blood in it, so I phoned the vet at 9am and she’s to have a week of antibiotics. If you have cats, you will know how relieved I was to find the antibiotic was in liquid, not pill, form. TBH, I don’t think they will make any difference – we think it’s some kind of IBS but the vets want to rule out other possibilities before prescribing steroids longterm.

I’ve stripped a bed this morning with the two of them “helping” – which means swinging from the duvet and any linen off the ground. They were outside first thing this morning. Diesel joined us – well, joined Cooper – and the two of them went off for a wee jolly. Not sure D is a good influence.

Diesel and CooperDiesel showing Cooper the good bits.

The fan-trained gage is looking well. I hope the existing trees fruit this year – I love greengages.

fanFantarined greengage.

Tuesday 26th March

It’s Dan’s birthday. Weatherwise it’s OK and we’re off to see Scotland play a friendly against Northern Ireland tonight

Riley and Cooper decided to share the basket; he “stole” her basket, so she just got in at the back of him, but Bertie pulled rank to get the warmest spot.

Shared basketRiley and Coop sharing a basket. Briefly.

BertieBertie's favourite spot.

We’ve no central heating while our heat pump is repaired, so we have an electric oil heater in the dining room and we light the stove in the living room at night, so it’s roasting and the bedroom and bathroom are freezing. It’s like my childhood all over again.

Wednesday 27th March

Well, the highlight of yesterday evening was the M&S picnic we bought on the way to Hampden. We were held up in traffic, missed booing GSTK and witnessed a pretty dismal performance by Scotland. Ach, they’ll be better in Germany.

There’s been a lot of rain overnight. Lots of standing water in the fields. We gave the kittens the opportunity to go out in the rain. Riley passed completely; Cooper sprinted to the potting shed then sprinted back and that was that.

Linda’s birthday today, so out for lunch then collapsed in front of the fire. Just can’t do late nights anymore.

Thursday 28th March

Lots more rain last night but dry this morning. Kittens out first thing while we had a cuppa. Diesel came to play too.

Vet came to give Smokey his second sweet itch vaccination. Not confident that it will make any difference, but still hoping.

Friday 29th March

More heavy rain – or at least persistent light rain, so everything is very wet.

Dan did some weeding in the fruit garden. He’s taking off the weed suppressing fabric and weeding the mat of ground elder. I don’t think we’ll put the fabric back down. Now we have more time, we should be able to keep on top of the weeds.

Since it was dismal, we both went to Brechin to pick up the trailer. It looks very smart now it’s had a good wash and new tyres. I think we’ll sell it once the cows are away.

Saturday 30th March

My, oh my. It’s spring! We know it’s only for a few days, so we’ll enjoy it. As I’ve been doing for nearly fourteen years, I pottered about tidying up outside. The seeds are through – tomato, peppers, leeks, peas and sweet peas, so I turned off the heat pads.

I spent half an hour playing Tetris with the bank of pots – I partially emptied two big round pots that we planted daisies in for Tara’s wedding, five years ago and I wanted to include them. Not finished yet.

I took Smokey out for half an hour grazing the roadside. He enjoyed that.


Diesel’s so greedy. Mealtimes for the kittens have to be supervised.

Kitten mealtimeDiesel being kept in his place.

Dan cut the first rhubarb. Yum.

RhubarbFirst rhubarb of 2024.

Cooper and Bryn were toe to toe on the settee; until Bryn woke up, became aware and scarpered.

Bryn and CooperBrn and Cooper, toe to toe.

Sunday 31st March

Another lovely day – the kittens and Diesel all came out to play in the morning.

CatsDiesel joins the kittens for morning exercise.

Then at lunchtime and again between the two football matches. They’re getting bolder – well, Riley is getting bolder. Boldness isn’t something Cooper has ever been lacking. He likes to climb; he loves the big beech tree in the front garden. She likes to get into the undergrowth, hence more photos of him.

CooperCooper's tree.

Cooper's treeCooper's other tree.

I started to clean up the path at the front of the house, scraping out all the moss. Since Gary, who laid the paths, is coming in April, I thought I’d better show we’re looking after it.  I might put a couple fo hanging baskets up here.

Front doorTidy front door.

I cleared out one bed – the one with the better soil.  I tried to do it with as little disturbance as possible to the resident bugs. Dan and Murdo will dig out the other one next week; they’ll also have a burn in the front garden.



And the pot Tetris is now finished. Can’t wait to get it planted up.

PotsPot Tetris done.

Dan started to lay out the informal paths – amazing the difference. There’s still pegs, carboard and woodchip to go down but we can now see something progressing.

PathsFirst paths laid out.

A week of antibiotics hasn’t improved Riley’s “problem” so it will be back to the vet next week.


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