
Thoughts of CowsRSS feed

Posted: Saturday 7 February, 2004

by Rosemary at 9:01pm in Cattle 1 comment Comments closed

We don't have any cattle and don't have room for any. But that doesn't stop me musing over what might be, if the six numbers come up tonight. What started me musing about cows was an advertisement in this month's "Country Smallholding" selling two Jersey heifers. If we had more land and I had more time (two big "ifs", I grant you), I'd like to have a house cow. I like cows.

In my gap year, some twenty blah years, I worked on a commercial dairy farm near Glasgow. I'll not bore you with details, but the cows there were Holstein Friesians, which are black and white and pretty big. These are very specialised dairy cows. I was fortunate in that the people I worked for were excellent stockmen and I learned an awful lot. Of course, in the intervening years, I've forgotten some of it but I still remember filling my milk container (perk of the job) with fresh, creamy (skimmed off the top of the tank), unpasteurised milk.

With our own cow, we could make yogurt, butter, cheese, cream, feed whey to the pigs, grow our own beef...

Taking the musings a bit further, I had a look at the website of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. Hugh F-W has Dexters, John Seymour recommends the Jersey, but I have to say the Kerry appeals to me. I like the idea of helping to conserve a rare breed and I like black cows. The Kerry's not too big either, yields well and produces decent beef. So, the Kerry it is!

Although, I did read an article tonight about South Devons. They sound pretty good too...


Dave H.

Sunday 8 February, 2004 at 4:27pm

Cows are indeed a wonderful asset to have on a small farm! We've enjoyed ours immensely (Highlands - I'm sure they're not "rare" where you are, and they're not technically "rare" here, either, but they're different enough to attract a lot of attention) and they've been quite profitable, as the meat is exceptionally tasty compared to the standard "supermarket Angus". We've also developed a secondary market for hide and horns.

Also, thanks for adding us to your blogroll! It's always nice to see small freeholders blogging and sharing ideas and experience: and there are too damn few of us these days that are actively doing so.

I have reciprocated, and will be stopping by regularly to see what's up!

Be well,

Dave Haxton

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