The Accidental Smallholder Forum
Livestock => Sheep => Topic started by: Amcla1234 on December 10, 2024, 08:22:36 pm
Hi everyone we have a small flock of Hebrideans we have one down with what the vet is sure is aspirational pneumonia (he choked a few weeks ago on something) he’s been seen by the vet tonight and dosed up on everything, just checked him and he seems abit brighter and he’s eating, what’s the prognosis for him now is he likely to fully recover? We luckily have no experience with pneumonia so far :)
Depends how quickly you reacted and got the vet out , some really powerful pneumonia drugs now , so lets be optimistic 70/30
Depends how quickly you reacted and got the vet out , some really powerful pneumonia drugs now , so lets be optimistic 70/30
Thank you noticed him quiet on Monday evening had vet Tuesday evening he seems back to normal tonight (Wednesday) he had 1ml draxxin 1.5ml of metacam Will the pneumonia cause lasting damage do you think? (Sorry I have no experience with pneumonia in sheep)
Draxxin & Matacam together are excellent for sheep . Yes there will be damage but sheep are prey animals and so he's not going to show weakness , maybe on a long run he might be at the back of the flock but he should be fine given time
Draxxin & Matacam together are excellent for sheep . Yes there will be damage but sheep are prey animals and so he's not going to show weakness , maybe on a long run he might be at the back of the flock but he should be fine given time
Thank you so much for your advice just one more question I’m sorry the second sheep had also had draxxin and metacam as a precaution as he was a tad raspy he’s got a snotty nose and a cough but is otherwise completely normal is that something I should be concerned about or should I be calling vet again?
Maybe talk to your vet and mention Lungworm , this is more likely for cough and can lead to bronchial pnuomonia