The Accidental Smallholder Forum
Livestock => Goats => Topic started by: yankieGirl on July 18, 2011, 02:14:58 am
Two year old never bred goat has a barrel stomach and an increased utter size.
But the boar male that was with her until 2 months ago was fixed.
She is not a tramp that runs about at night (I don't think)
There are no runaway bucks in the area (I don't think)
A sheep can't catch a goat (right?)
Who done it if indeed it has been done?
How do I know if she is or isn't ?
There are 2 reasons :
1. was the Boer male surgically castrated or rubber ringed. If ringed, my guess is that he was not done completely... this does happen a lot more than is supposed. A lump of tissue is assumed to be a testicle & hey presto one not castrated male and able to have his 'wicked way' with the girls !!!!
2. She is having a cloudburst pregnancy. Again this is not uncommon in goatlings/maidens. The hormones rise as if in kid, the uterus fills with fluid, the udder develops and at the correct time all the goat delivers is a huge amount of water. One very disappointed goat who may go looking for 'baby' and steal one from somebody else. Occasionally a human becomes the goats 'baby'. If this turns out to be a cloudburst, she may need a hormone injection to stabilise her.... not all do.
Have her scanned , instant yes or no , but first thought is cloudburst, you will probably have a very wet stall before long. (Did you utter udder ?)
Option 3...Immaculate conception
Option 3...Immaculate conception
Aye, right! ::) ;)
Didn't realise that the Holy Goat was a Welshman !!!
Didn't realise that the Holy Goat was a Welshman !!!
Ok pun-sters..... ;D
Do you really think it is this downpour thing?
I want her to be pregnant.
Does it occur that often? Why me?
Ok pun-sters..... ;D
Do you really think it is this downpour thing?
I want her to be pregnant.
Does it occur that often? Why me?
Ha ha - cloudburst = downpour! It's certainly working that way in Central Scotland these last few days! ::)
Unless you have her scanned by the Vet you won't know for sure.... but the signs are looking towards a cloudburst.
Maybe Yankie girls is from Perth, then we would have The Holy Goat and the 'biblical downpours' all we need is an Ark to come up the Tay to save the day.
No-ah think that cannae be richt!!
emma T
Ok colonial type person , serious hat on now, yes cloudbust is all too common, false pregnancy , call it what you will, she will probably go full term then flood the place and then behave as if nothing is wrong.
Get her scanned by your vet and buy some waterproofs for yourself. she will be fine.
ps. forgot to say : you might notice that she gets very wet at the back end before the biblical proportioned flood comes.
Many thanks to all for the apocalyptic predictions!
LOL... i think this was a bit of a TAS mad-moment. I do hope that you got the 'sensible' reassurance you needed in between all the crazyness! And that your goat is OK in the end. :)
Emma T
Where theres tthe will there's a way ;D
By the way yes she could've been mated by a ram and either having a phantom because of it or a Geep(or is it Shoat?)in which case ti will probably be abhorted about 6wks before due
A friend of mine lived in the middle of woodland and one year had a couple of really wierd fawny yellow kids abhorted...she'd been very happy to see a deer buck running in the field chasing them around a few months before ;)
All in good fun. ;D
I got the help and advise I was asking for.
By the way yes she could've been mated by a ram A friend of mine lived in the middle of woodland and one year had a couple of really wierd fawny yellow kids abhorted...she'd been very happy to see a deer buck running in the field chasing them around a few months before ;)
can that really happen? :o
Yes it could- but it is almost unheard of for the offspring to actually be born. The pregnancy tends to either be reabsorbed, or the foetus's aborted.
So, YG, how is your girl? Has she been scanned? :)
No scan. I am just going to let time tell and the new 2 month old buck I just bought eventually let me know.
I know you are correct about the scan telling me for sure but I can't justify the expense. I'm just a hobby farmer.
It would be another story if this were my livelihood.
How much do scans cost where you are? I get my bitches scanned for £20 so I know how many pups to expect.