The Accidental Smallholder Forum
Smallholding => Land Management => Topic started by: kingnigel on September 02, 2011, 11:34:29 pm
i know that the country side code says that people should leave gates as they find them, but does the code represent a legal obligation to leave gates as found or is it just a recommendation.
The code doesn't have legal effect.
However that does not mean that someone leaving a gate open would always escape any legal liability for the consequences. Much would depend on the particular circumstances.
Also one of the problems would be proving how they found them, if you see what I mean. They could say they found it open, and followed the code rule to leave it like that.
thanks, i would have no problem videoing the gate being left open, the gate has a sign asking those that pass to close it behind them but many still insist on leaving it open. this is not a public right of way but it does provide access to someone else s land across my land, its not a major issue as i dont mind the gate being left open when i am not training my dogs but when i am it can cause a hazard to myself and my dogs by being left open.
If its not for vehicles then tie a bungie cord around the bottom of the gate post and the bottom of the gate - enough room to step inbetween but doesnt allow the gate to fully opened - it also reminds them to close it again and sometimes will spring shut with the correct latch. Yes its a bit of a trip hazzard - but if you trip on a gate youve just opened - then walking the coast path is probably not the best idea ;)
The only thing that pee's me off more than someone leaving a gate the opposite of what they found it is someone parking a car infront of it. Grr
some forker parking in front of my gates that i would love to happen just think of the senario how did the car land on its roof well i parked the car in a gate way and stopped the irate farmer from getting into/out of his field i know somebody that was asked to move a car that was blocking a road pushed it round then forks through the windows dumped it on the banking job done :farmer:
You can get self closers for gates which work on a spring system so that once opened and passed thro they 'spring' shut again. Try B&Q or local ag merchant.
Mandy :pig:
PS We have footpath thro our front field and local council put a gate onto our property we objected as it was wide enough to get a quad bike thro' ::) and it was changed to a stile. Disabled access to the path is thro a gate further up the lane so why put two in........doh ... ???