The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Goats => Topic started by: xemonsus on February 17, 2012, 03:51:29 pm

Title: While we are talking meat goats......
Post by: xemonsus on February 17, 2012, 03:51:29 pm
We currently sell rarebreed pork and have alot of people asking if we do goat meat, could any of you give us some advice about starting up with these,where do i find some and how much should we expect to pay ect.

Thanks Jane ??? ;D
Title: Re: While we are talking meat goats......
Post by: Anke on February 17, 2012, 05:37:23 pm
Before you even start buying meat/boer goats - make sure your local abattoir kills goats, not all do.
Title: Re: While we are talking meat goats......
Post by: little blue on February 17, 2012, 05:56:29 pm
Boer is the breed you need.
Have  a read through the various threads in the goat section on feed, housing, fencing etc ... then when your head is spinning, come back and ask more!!

Im sure theres a boer society, if you google it
Title: Re: While we are talking meat goats......
Post by: xemonsus on February 17, 2012, 06:28:20 pm
Very good point Anke, but yes ours do hubby was talking to them when he was last in with a pig!
Shall get nosing through some of the older posts and will no doubt be back for more info!!
Title: Re: While we are talking meat goats......
Post by: cuckoo on February 18, 2012, 04:28:00 pm
There is a British Boer Goat Society - they have a stock for sale page.  Registered stock will vary in grade 0 (100%) - £250 - £400 - to grade 5 (50%) - £150+ - only 100% males can be registered.  There are some interesting goats for sale on the website at the moment - including some does which are generally very hard to come by - the chestnut meat ones would be ideal for starters wanting mainly meat - also any does from these goats could be registered all be it at only 50%.
Title: Re: While we are talking meat goats......
Post by: fifixx on February 25, 2012, 10:41:27 am
I raise my goats for meat - I started 3 years ago with 3 Boer cross does and am waiting this year for 8 to kid.  last year we sold 4 boys with no problem at 5 mths old at all and have loads of enquiries.

People are very keen to try new things and if they like it (which they will!), you will get return business
Title: Re: While we are talking meat goats......
Post by: princesspiggy on February 25, 2012, 04:32:50 pm
i love the look of the Boers.