The Accidental Smallholder Forum

Livestock => Bees & Beekeeping => Topic started by: Cjnewton82 on June 02, 2014, 11:01:59 pm

Title: Which foundation
Post by: Cjnewton82 on June 02, 2014, 11:01:59 pm
I'm a new bee keeper so if this is a silly question then I'm sorry.. I'm reading lots of book and I plan to join my local bee keeping group. I have just brought my first national bee hive. But what foundation do our use?
I need 22 foundations in my supers 11 in each also 11 in my broad box I know I want to use wired foundation and I know the size I need but there seem to be different types of foundation i.e. worker foundation drone foundation but which one is best and where is best place to use it??
Title: Re: Which foundation
Post by: HesterF on June 03, 2014, 12:36:36 am
You need worker foundation otherwise they'll just draw out drones which you really don't need. I've got nationals and just buy standard wired (although I have just bought some unwired for honey comb experiments in my super). I don't know what you mean by where is the best place to use it? Also you probably won't need your supers this season so don't bother putting foundation in them yet - it's best kept flat in its packet until close to the time you're going to use it.

Where and when are you getting your bees from? Have you been on a beekeeping course? If not, I would really, really recommend it. Normally I'm only to happy to read a book, research on line and then give something a go but bees has been my major exception. I'm only in my second year and I find it really complex - it's a bit like chess in my mind, you always have to be one step ahead, working out how to manipulate everything in the way you want it to be. If you want healthy bees to give a consistent supply of honey (plus pollination and all the other benefits), you need to know what you're doing when you're inspecting the hive, understand disease identification and management, know how to manage swarm attempts etc. etc. Your local bee keeping group probably runs courses so get on to them as soon as possible. Hopefully you can also find yourself an experienced local mentor who you can call on in times of crisis. I've found a lovely man who lives just over the hill and is normally available at a couple of hours notice to help with whatever issue I've come up with.

Title: Re: Which foundation
Post by: P6te on June 03, 2014, 07:54:49 am
I agree with all HesterF says .... only difference being a personal choice that I use Drone foundation in all my supers. This can make the honey extraction a little easier due to the increased size of the cells.
Title: Re: Which foundation
Post by: OhLaLa on June 11, 2014, 08:52:01 am
I use worker foundation, up and down.

Use an electric extractor and extract on a warm day.