two options:
after cutting the bottom just below a leaf node and reducing the length to about 10-12 inches by cutting the weak top off,
# make a slit trench in the garden and slide the cuttings in, about a foot apart, to about half their length labelling which is which. Try more than you need. In Spring, you can tell which have rooted as they will look healthy and have buds forming. When large enough, transplant to their final place.
# into a six inch pot of potting compost, slide each cutting in at the edge of the pot, about 5 per pot.
Leave in a shady place, keep watered but not sitting in water. In Spring those which have rooted will show new buds coming and the roots can be seen through the holes in the bottom of the pot. Pot on into individual pots or plant out directly into their growing places, if your bushes have not moved successfully