During the time we were able to make our pig enterprise work we ran 10 sows, 1 boar and had roughly 60 followers. We ran the pigs over about 9 acres of land. More in the summer when the drought dries up our very large pond.
We found bacon, sausages, gammon most profitable.
You will need to buy pig food in bulk and to negotiate the largest reduction possible. You will have to keep extremely accurate records. Find the best (not necessarily the cheapest or dearest) butcher you can. Have a niche market. Appeal to the high quality end of the market. Under no circumstances undersell. It is better to sell the pigs direct to the abattoir at a substantial loss than to market your pork too cheaply. Once people have bought cheaply from you they will never again pay you a reasonable price.
Be prepared to work 7 days a week, 15 hours a day. Dont bother buying any decent clothes you will never have the time to wear them.
Keep a veggie patch going, it can be a godsend when things get very tight.
Above all you must be passionate about pigs, otherwise you will wake up one day and wish you were back in the office. And before you embark on this invst in the best waterproof working clothes you can afford and at least 2 sets of really decent wellingtons.
I wouldnt change a thing. HM