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Author Topic: Milk for egg eating hen?  (Read 3068 times)


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Milk for egg eating hen?
« on: April 26, 2011, 06:45:47 pm »
I am having a problem with one of my four hens which I have confirmed is the culprit egg eater.  Lookine for help on-line to see if I can deter her, I have read that feeding milk for a few days might help.  Can anyone explain why this is?


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Re: Milk for egg eating hen?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 07:06:30 pm »
There is a theory that egg-eating is caused by a calcium deficiency. Milk may assuage that.


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Re: Milk for egg eating hen?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2011, 07:23:23 pm »
Milk supplies calcium protein and vitamins

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Re: Milk for egg eating hen?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2011, 07:58:23 pm »
I've always fed surplus goats milk to my chickens and they have really lovely hard shells so that makes sense really  :)
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


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Re: Milk for egg eating hen?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2011, 09:08:32 pm »
Yes, goats milk would be best - it freezes well too which you shouldn't do with cows.  I offer treats to my hens like black sunflower seeds and raisins (all in moderation of course) - maybe if there are other treats or boredom breakers around then the habit may cease.  Good luck.
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Re: Milk for egg eating hen?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2011, 09:31:47 pm »
never heard of it before but worth a go! Let us know how you get on.  :&>


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Re: Milk for egg eating hen?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2011, 11:09:09 pm »
Yes, goats milk would be best - it freezes well too which you shouldn't do with cows. 

Oh!  I thought there was no problem freezing skimmed cow's milk, or any milk that's homogenised.

Plus, my recently acquired Rita Ash book tells me I can freeze my home-produced milk (full cream and then some, unpasteurised and unhomogenised) and quite safely use it thawed to make cheesey products.  I hope she's right, I've been sequestering spare milk away for when I have time to make cheesey things (after lambing and not during haymaking...)

And many farmers, myself included, freeze sheep's and cow's colostrum as being the third best thing to use.  (After straight from mum first, fresh from another ewe or cow second.)

Creamy cow's milk does seperate when thawed, but seems quite useable when given a good stir. 
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Re: Milk for egg eating hen?
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2011, 09:34:55 am »
we freeze cow's milk, have done for years and have far  :)  and yes, the colostrum goes into the little ice cube bags doesn't it for when you need it? life savers.
I always find a pot egg in the nest box deters mine, not that I've had an egg eater for some time now, keep boxes dark, collect eggs regularly.
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


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