Hi Everyone, I am sorry to say that it is the end of the Show Season now, a lot of hard work but it can be rewarding when you do well.I show my G.F.D sheep, and was lucky to end on a high by winning at the R.B.S.T at Sedgemoor Market last Thursday.As I see other people have said : prices not to good.It may be that the timing should be looked at,having said that it was good to see so many breeds of sheep there. I must say I do like the shows as it is good to see friends, and be able to talk over sheepy things. This year has been difficult what with the weather, and I am afraid my poor sheep had ORF just after the first few shows,but with adivce from fellow breeders they all got over it well. So lets hope next year the weather will be better, and that we can all enjoy the Shows once again.