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Author Topic: Mixed fortunes with hatching  (Read 1281 times)


  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
Mixed fortunes with hatching
« on: June 27, 2013, 11:57:51 am »
For the second year running we have had a record number of broody hens and bantams.  Some sat where they wanted, and hatched, others in huts under my supervision.
6 Duck eggs under big broody. Only one hatched.  I was chuffed, and it was a lovely little duckling. Until 10 days later, when a rat managed to bite a hole in the corner of the plastic coop.  I was gutted.
9 duck eggs under another broody hen. Wooden shed so should be ok.  About 10 days before due to hatch, got there in the morning, and a right commotion.  Hen kicking off.  May have been a fox round, but eggs scattered.  Put them back under her, but sadly none hatched - although quite big ducklings in 5 of them.
Spotted a bantie sitting in a hole in the wall outside field.  She hatched 7 chicks, so fetched those into safety as lurking farm cats were on the case.
Hen sat on 8 eggs - only one hatched live.  Same with the silkie - one live chick.
Found a bantie sitting on 11 eggs in the unused at the moment pig ark. Bit iffy as open door at the front,but last week,I heard cheeping. Went round with my tub to carry the little ones, and was amazed to see all had hatched, so 11 little chicks to transport!!
One in the hut has hatched 6 banties. 
So, we have  26 chicks in all.  All in huts at the moment, as the buzzards have a nest in a big tree over the lane, and are circling above my field. Last year, the pet sheep upended the chick pen, and either the buzzards or the cats took 5 chicks.


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