I've just bought two commercial type ewes.
They have both Reared lambs this year (set of trips and a single)
Now, they are slightly.... (how do I put it?).... Slightly round! One still has her lamb at foot but soon to be weaned and the other is dry as her lambs have gone to slaughter, I would CS them at a 4. I plan to put them to the ram this November and to flush 6 weeks Prior. These ewes have had a rough year and haven't been overly cared for and I felt sorry for them.
My question is What to do? Do I pop them into the barn on limited feed then 6 weeks prior to the ram going in put them out with my ewes during flushing, this also acts as my quarantine period.
Do I put them out in a quarantine field then add them to my ewes? I obviously want a good crop of lambs but equally risk not getting them in lamb this fat.
Any advice/ Views?