Shrekfeet, so far the bill has come to £107.00! Not unexpected considering the tests and treatment she's had. The blood test results showed that she's anaemic, has low protein and low blood count (could be liver problem but nothing conclusive). Fecal tests indicated nothing specific, no worms and no fluke. Vet suggested testing for Johnnes (spelling?) which I thought had already been done, but there'll be no extra costs as they already have the samples. She deteriorated rapidly on Wednesday as she had another bad bout of scour. Vet gave me three injections for her and she's picked up again but is still desperately thin. She could possibly have a tumour, liver damage or something of that ilk, but she would have to undergo a biopsy to confirm. Not only would the costs be prohibitive she would not survive the process, she's not strong enough. So vet suggests if not Johnnes (result next week), which would result in her having to be put down as there's no cure, we will try a course of treatment and if no improvement (or if she deteriorates again, and I doubt she'll survive another bout of plip plops) we'll have to call it a day. Will let you know the final bill amount in due course. Cheers.