Take the against turbine stuff with a big pinch of salt , from what I've gleaned so much of the stuff being put out is provably false and most of the truthfull stuff being bandied around as at the cutting edge today/ right now is years out of date .
I understand that In Germany during July this year Germany pronounced that on the 27 th of June or around that time , that they had produced just over 75 % of their electrical needs on that day from all their renewables combined.
Seeing as they have shed loads of wind turbines as well as solar farms perhaps it's not quite so much a waste of time and money as some will have us believe.
At the end of the day with all the people harping on about global warming , nuclear liabilities varying sea conditions and inconsistent weather patterns /conditions and wanting greener energy sources to reduce Co2 emissions where else / how else can we generate the electricity that our society depends on.
Surely some electricity has got to be better than no electricity ?
Following on from the above I offer that the more varied sources we can produce it from how ever intermittent but actually being available for some of the time the better / more secure our supply & therefore our lifestyles will be.
We don't want to be like Afghanistan with two hours of electricity on a day..... if your lucky , do we?