If you need your flock to pay their are ways around this;
Breed a few pure by all means;
Use an xbred or terminal tup, I've used Texel, Char and easycare over hebrideans, and in all cases you get a lamb at slaughter weight within 10-12 months, and usually get an extra 3-4 Kg per animal too. Also you get 80/20 white over black in my experience and 60-70% polled.
This translates to your cross lambs easily getting £55-65 in the ring - as long as their white. Black ones tend to be £10 back, especially if horned, but the meat buyers KNOW that they are getting a VERY LEAN carcase which is what alot of them want, but with good frame and conformation.
I have also had luck using a texel x heb tup, so the lambs are 1/4 Texel - this confers a great benefit to the legs and size, finishing time is about 12 months give or take a month and weight at finishing about 41-42kg. Downside is lambs are black, upside is most were polled. They went as blue texels for some reason (auctioneers choice) and fetched £50 a head.... This cross is also as easy lambing as the pure, so again adding value and getting rid before the second winter.