How lovely, what a warm welcome xx
I had an acre before, which in the past, I have had turkeys, chickens, ducks, pigs, horses, but no goats, so this
time I will be getting some Nigerian dwarfs and a Nubian, I think ! I love goats, but didn't really have enough space/grazing for them, however, since I've moved and we have more land, I can finally get 3 little goaties.
More for pets really, I would not have the time for milking twice aday, even though I would love to make my own cheese, yogurts etc...

Like I say, I have never had them, so any advice on starting out would be very much appreciated, I do love to read up and research before I buy any kind of animal to make sure I'm doing it right, but please, any tips on what I will need before I bring them home would be fab!