Author Topic: AI costs - what to expect  (Read 5866 times)


  • Joined Sep 2019
AI costs - what to expect
« on: September 06, 2019, 09:55:54 am »

Whilst I am working out my maths - what would be the typical insemination costs for the following:

 :pig: Pigs - 2 x Middle Whites.   
 :sheep: Sheep - 2 x Suffolks
 :goat: Goats - 2 x Nubian
 :cow: Cows - 2 x Dexters

I am trying to work out whether it is better financially to have AI or keep/feed a male around - clearly, need AI (or a borrowed male), but to get going, to work out costs.



  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: AI costs - what to expect
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2019, 10:57:48 am »

Pig semen from Deerpark is £30ish. Sent in the post to you. You can complete the process yourself or pay the vet to do it.

Of all the animals it is probably the cheapest and potentially the easiest ai process.

I don't know the costs for sheep or cattle. Sheep. I think, have to go to an "ai centre" and the process is invasive and costly and generally done by pedigree flocks.

AI services will visit cattle on site. Have you factored in handling equipment needed for cattle?


  • Joined Apr 2012
Re: AI costs - what to expect
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2019, 12:14:08 pm »
I think there is one cattle AI company that don’t come out to small herds anymore. If you find one to come out to you they will expect appropriate facilities I.e a crush to do their job safely.

Sheep- AI only really done in pedigree flocks, quite specialist and normally requires sponging or cidr so that the ewe’s cycle can be manipulated. You’d be better off hiring a ram (with appropriate isolation protocols), buying a ram lamb and then sending it to slaughter or sending your ewes to run with a ram on another farm (again observing isolation protocols, quarantine wormers/scab preventative treatments).


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: AI costs - what to expect
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2019, 09:48:20 am »
Unless you are seriously into pedigree breeding I wouldn't undertake AI in either sheep or goats. If you do - laprascopic is best but needs to be done at special vets/AI centres (such as AB Europe). If you only want sheep for meat, then byuing a few Shetland lambs at weaning (wethers are best), having them on grass and hay over winter (no shed needed for them) and then get to the abattoir at 18 to 20 months old - wonderful meat, but you do need to shear them in the spring. Meat gets even better after 2 to 3 years old. No need for hard feed at all.
As to goats - AI difficult and you would be struggling to buy semen unless you are a BGS member. You can often take your goats to a nearby male for mating, but would need to be whole-herd CAE tested at the minimum. Goat and sheep semen needs to be stored in liquid Nitrogen tanks, so unless you buy your own you need to store any semen with one of the companies offering AI.

Goats are expensive to keep well (hay and hard feed all year round, plus stable/shelter), and keeping a male for a small number of females is also expensive (separate housing, plus he needs a wethered companion too). Goats do take up much more time on a day to day basis, especially if you are milking them. You will need a trailer (and car to tow it) for taking females to the male, and to the vets etc.


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