Author Topic: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens  (Read 16652 times)


  • Joined May 2015
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2015, 11:23:50 am »
Hi I would b interested in some hatching eggs can collect x


  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2015, 07:34:40 pm »
If anyone is looking for Shetland Geese, we have spent the last 3 years building up a breeding flock and we are now able to offer goslings for sale. These are an extremely rare breed, but lovely characters.  They are less aggressive than most geese, also not as noisy.  It's really important to get this breed back from the brink and get as many people as possible involved in breeding so we will only sell goslings in unrelated pairs.

seriously we have loads. you can buy t[/size]hem up [/size]here for £5 eac[/size]h. we [/size]have 8 [/size]goslings if anyone wants a pair. remember t[/size]hey are pecky and you will know if t[/size]hey do. im sure we could sort you out wit[/size]h some a lot c[/size]heaper t[/size]han t[/size]he above price. as could a load of crofters up [/size]here. if you geese are less agressive meet out 2 ganders at breeding and brooding time. but really not wise near very young kids or nosey ponies. one of our stallions is still scared of them. you will know about any visitors please only buy if your fully aware a pair remains a pair a lonely  goose is a sad one. [/size]

glenisla geese

  • Joined May 2015
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2015, 08:22:40 am »
Obviously any animal at breeding time is more protective of its young, but generally we have found Shetland Geese to be much less aggressive and less noisy than the larger embden types.

Of the three native autosexing breeds (Shetland, West of England and Pilgrim) the Shetlands are more aloof than the westies or the pilgrims who would come right into the house if you let them.

We did once take on a pair of ganders that were causing problems - I call them a pair as they went around together and had no females - once they mixed in with our larger flock one found himself a mate and since then they have all "melted" into the flock .

Next year we hope to have eggs available for sale from all three breeds. If you want to go onto a waiting list please pm us!
Hope everyone has a good summer!


  • Joined Jun 2015
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2015, 03:47:00 pm »
I read your post with great interest, asI have just hatched 2 Shetland Goslings and they are both female. I would love to have another go at hatching some ganders  next year (I assume I'm much too late now?)

I would be most grateful if you would  consider selling me some of your eggs next Spring. They would have to come by mail, as I live too far away.

 As they are such a rare breed it would be great to get them going down here, in Cornwall.  Many Thanks,


  • Joined Aug 2015
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2015, 02:15:09 pm »
Hi, please could you tell me, how and when could i get hold of some shetland goose eggs , we already have shetland ducks which we hatched off ourselves and my partner and i would like to have some shetland geese too.  Hope you can help us. Regards Christine

Victorian Farmer

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Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2015, 11:31:12 pm »
It would be good to post in which area these geese can be found, IV done pilgrims west of England but not Shetland I new that there were about 8 pilgrim breeders only 6 west of England and only 3 Shetland breeders. I think proven breeders need to post haw they hatch these breeds incubater brooders etc so the valubul eggs will hatch.


  • Joined Jan 2016
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2016, 08:41:34 pm »
I am searching for a source of some Shetland Geese eggs to hatch, and would appreciate if anyone would be able to supply me some when they start laying again.

I am in Aberdeenshire, happy to travel or receive them in the post.

Many thanks in advance  :)

glenisla geese

  • Joined May 2015
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2016, 10:57:21 am »
We are now taking orders for Shetland Geese eggs.  The geese are on the point of lay and there will be a limited number of eggs for sale from March until May.  The price will be £40 for 4 unrelated eggs to include postage and packaging to UK addresses.

Victorian Farmer

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Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2016, 11:23:36 am »
Fantastic that these breeds are kept. Credit  to the smallholders who keep them. These old breeds are so valuable I think a space on here for shetland West of England and pilgrims. Would like to see pics of each.


  • Joined May 2015
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #24 on: February 29, 2016, 11:04:55 pm »
Interested in hatching eggs this year if anyone can supply me with some ? Would prefer to do collection rather than put thru the post , I stay Aberdeenshire/angus area x


  • Joined Feb 2020
  • Michigan, USA
  • Waterfowl breeder in the USA
Re: Shetland Geese eggs for sale Angus Glens
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2020, 01:31:20 pm »
Hi Marigold. 

I'm in the US and we need fresh Shetland goose genetics in North America!  The primary breeder dispersed their flock due to retirement and they mostly went to Canada. 

I am looking to import birds or hatching eggs to the US. I have a goose but need at least one gander and would prefer at least one pair.  I would want to hand-carry eggs back to the US if you do not have adults available- lovely excuse to visit the area!

It appears I am unable to send you a message directly.


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