I can sympathise with the last comment Chriso, 3 years ago we bought 5 acres and a 'shed' which we live in, one of our daughters was into animals and horses the other is not, we moved from a newly refurbished 4 bedroom detached bungalow in to a dilapidated wooden construction that is livable but certainly not luxury. The not into animals daughter constantly moaned for the first 2 years (made worse by the fact that she didn't even have a bedroom, they sleep on the sofa's). However year 3 has seen a turning point in her, she will now admit that she loves living here, she loves the wildlife, the stars, and even the animals (not that she has much to do with them but will help out if necessary). She was an older teen when we moved here and I did feel a bit guilty but I explained to her that she was at the begining of her adult life and likely to move on and do the things she wants to do, we are in the middle of our lives and would like to do something that we want to do!