There was one thing is this week's show that annoyed me. That was the way the Jacobs were handled by their horns and it was presented as a plus point. Using a multihorned sheep's horns to haul them around by is a no-no - Not only does it hurt and anger the animal, but it can twist the horns where they join the skull, even pull them out with a feisty sheep, especially with young ones. An aged tup could probably cope without damage but not one below at least two years. We once lent a multihorned shearling tup to friends and a couple of months later he was returned, being dragged along by one side horn. His hornset changed from nicely and evenly set up to having one bent and twisted horn which grew too close to his head. No wonder the poor lad was unwilling to move being dragged along like that

At least on the programme the sheep were just being held, but even so, it's not something which should be done. As with other sheep, a hand under the chin should be enough, with the other hand holding the back of the head for a jumpy one, maybe even blocking the body with your legs, but no horns.