no by vet castrated i meant (as i dont like rubber ring method and animals are too old for it anyway here) the (under local anaestetic) open surgical method: cut off base of scrotum, pull out testicles, leave to drain and heal open (no stitches).
All my others have been done that way in the past but this time, only by chance i felt a lump in the scrotum - its been over 6months since he was castrated.
He HAS been showing rammy signs (at least my mnd is now putting 2+2 together)- chasing my old yowe, and lip curling. His horns are growing better than the other castrates did too...... could just be me imagining things though and he is actually just being an adolescent (i saw the two 2yo castrates trying to beat up my 6yo castrate earlier- i had to intervene, so may just have been play fighting with this young castrate im concerned about too.)
Vet had a good feel and said was really unlikely to be left behind material but was worried if it was a hernia and we opened the scrotum to investigate we would not be able to do anything (ie id have to pts my lamb).