Author Topic: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)  (Read 37629 times)


  • Joined Feb 2008
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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2011, 08:34:08 am »
We have done a lot of research on this and our thinking was that, as long as a caravan, static ,site hut etc can be moved and is not connected permanently to the ground, then that is ok. Willing to be corrected on this, however!


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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2011, 09:30:52 am »
It does make you boss-eyed, doesnt it?

We have, quite a few years ago, built a log cabin/garden house in our garden. It is 4.5m x5m...... no problem. Its a garden house, dont need planning, we have also built a poltunnel in the garden 3m x problem, dont need planning!.......

But i needed 'planning permission'  for putting down some wood chips into a flat rectangle on my field, and pay out good money for 'change of use' to *ride my horse in my own fields* - despite the absolute fact that these fields had been ridden in for the last thrity years. Yet, my neighbour could legally have ridden those same fields without planning or change of use; under the 'right to roam' legislation.... And i could do the same in hers, although she is still not allowed to ride in her own fields! "fffe£%^%^&&(*&$^&&^%£^%^£^^****ell"     (sorry- this is an old rant of mine..a few folk will have read it before )

LOL, I suggested to the council that i gave my neighbour half of my feilds and she gave me half of mine, then i would be riding on 'her' property and vise versa...they didnt have an answer for that!!!

Emma T
If you don't have a dream; how you gonna have a dream come true?


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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2011, 01:06:07 pm »
I have the leftovers of a huge menage in one of my lower fields that cost the previous owner tens of thousands to install, he didnt think he needed planning either - but he was wrong.

The planners want me to fill it all back in which will probably cost as much to do - its been here years now and if they had let it lie, it would be meadow grass by now and excellent flat camping pitches, an area than could have been used by disabled punters easily and safely as I suggested - but, no.  Every few months the planners come and do the rounds and see how I am getting on in filling it back in - its a slow job with only a mini digger to hand ;)

I cant think of many things more in-keeping with the countryside than a safe area for people riding horses - its about time they gave permission for landowners to have a reasonable size menage under prior notification rules.

Here in wales the pony and cob 'trades' are a big part to many communities, many 'farming' families struggle with the fact that the keeping and breeding of stock is not seen as agri when it clearly is.

I suggested to the planners that I wanted to tier some of my campfield so its not so hilly on the prime pitches - they said I would need permission to flatten areas in this manner as it constitutes major ground work?  wtf - its just digging earth around - next I think you'll need permission to drive across your own field as tire tracks form.

(that said - in order to get certain grants we are not allowed to make gateways 'muddy' cos it spoils the look of the farm - Ive tried hovvering over the entrances and shooting every animal that stands there but they still seem to get poached?!)

Bloody planning!! ;)



  • Joined Feb 2008
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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2011, 02:37:59 pm »
A shovel would be even slower, Baz. Isn't it all mad?!
Why on earth do you need planning to dig a small pond in an area of land that always gets wet in winter?

robert waddell

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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2011, 02:55:06 pm »
bazzais      it is all in the wording          normally you would need planning permission to operate a tip with all the conditions attached i know of three sites that are opperating tips with different wording one of them is a former sand quarry that the previous owners tried to get as a tip and failed       the new owner was tipping within weeks of taking ownership of it           i have created two ponds and no objections so far(they are wildlife havens now)  my shed did stir the s**t a bit but it is still there and the sign is also still there :farmer:


  • Joined Aug 2010
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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2011, 02:59:04 pm »
Katie the attached might be useful pond resource if not eligible for the exemption for small agricultural ponds


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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2011, 11:59:55 pm »
Equestrian activities like show jumping and lunging aren't an agricultural use, so you need a change of use. 

On the other hand grazing is an agricultural use and so would be horse ploughing or the like.  And you could probably make an interesting argument that fox-hunting, being the control of vermin, is also agricultural.  Developing the theme a manege built for the training of horses to the plough must be an agricultural use.  Forestry falls under the same definition, so presumably training a horse for logging would also be a permitted purpose.

There could be some mileage in this....


  • Joined Jan 2009
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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #37 on: August 05, 2011, 05:15:17 pm »
Ref the agricultural/ equestrian use of fields-

 my local planning department actually, really truly, honestly, did try to tell me that if i wanted to rotate between grazing the horses/and or sheep and then riding in my fields i would have to apply for ''change of use'' for each occasion!!! Pah!!

I suggested that although this may seem like a good money making scheme for the council i would be asking for an advisory visit for each occasion and that they would have to emply someone full time to cover this and all the paperwork... therefore costing the department more money thaan they would make! Never heard a peep since!!

total utter nonsense!!
Emma T
If you don't have a dream; how you gonna have a dream come true?


  • Joined Jan 2010
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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2011, 11:12:40 pm »
I like where this thread is going - two great answers :)  !!!!



  • Joined Aug 2010
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Re: Static caravan on own land (not for residence)
« Reply #39 on: August 05, 2011, 11:17:24 pm »
Ref the agricultural/ equestrian use of fields-

 my local planning department actually, really truly, honestly, did try to tell me that if i wanted to rotate between grazing the horses/and or sheep and then riding in my fields i would have to apply for ''change of use'' for each occasion!!! Pah!!

I suggested that although this may seem like a good money making scheme for the council i would be asking for an advisory visit for each occasion and that they would have to emply someone full time to cover this and all the paperwork... therefore costing the department more money thaan they would make! Never heard a peep since!!

total utter nonsense!!
Emma T

I reckon if you have a CPH number and have more agricultural animals than horses, they would be on a stickyish wicket. Esp if the horses are kept primarily as a 'natural sheep worm control mechanism'....


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