It does make you boss-eyed, doesnt it?
We have, quite a few years ago, built a log cabin/garden house in our garden. It is 4.5m x5m...... no problem. Its a garden house, dont need planning, we have also built a poltunnel in the garden 3m x problem, dont need planning!.......
But i needed 'planning permission' for putting down some wood chips into a flat rectangle on my field, and pay out good money for 'change of use' to *ride my horse in my own fields* - despite the absolute fact that these fields had been ridden in for the last thrity years. Yet, my neighbour could legally have ridden those same fields without planning or change of use; under the 'right to roam' legislation.... And i could do the same in hers, although she is still not allowed to ride in her own fields! "fffe£%^%^&&(*&$^&&^%£^%^£^^****ell" (sorry- this is an old rant of mine..a few folk will have read it before )
LOL, I suggested to the council that i gave my neighbour half of my feilds and she gave me half of mine, then i would be riding on 'her' property and vise versa...they didnt have an answer for that!!!
Emma T