A good day today - hard work but enjoyable.
Speened two batches, 50 ewes fluked & wormed and back to rough pasture to dry off and start to refresh for tupping; 50 lambs wormed, a few feet trimmed and sprayed, and onto fresh grass.
The dogs had a lovely day, lots of fetching and moving sheep to do.
The tourists at the Roman Fort were delighted to get a sheepdog display despite not having gone to Lowther today! My two collies worked brilliantly, quietly collecting up the young ewes and their lambs from the wooded slope at the end, in and outside the fort area, oh and a rogue ewe and lamb who had managed to get through into the field next door. Loosely gathered and held them in the middle while Mistress went and checked that Traffic Support was there before opening the gate, quietly shepherded them onto the road and off in the right direction. Guided them through the tourists and clicking cameras (BOTH sides of the road of course
), one dog ran forward to block off the entrance to the Fort car park. Pause while Traffic Support got ahead of the girls to warn oncoming traffic on the hill, then press on gently to the farm entrance. Young sheep not so sure of the way as the older girls, some began to overshoot, one dog shot off to block them while the other swept the tail enders up and into the paddock.
I've only very recently managed to get the two of them working simultaneously, independently but as a team, so I was busting with pride at my clever collies.