I've never had plants suffer with Grey mould before but I stand to lose quite a few of my plants now if I can't find a solution.
Everything was fine until a few weeks back when I bought all my pot plants into the greenhouse as we'd had severe snow and they were frozen. Of course I can now see that the thawing snow left the plants wet and the humidity in the greenhouse meant that Grey Mould decided to have a party.
I've been removing the top of the soil from my pots as this keeps getting covered and I've been cleaning the plants themselves. It's getting worse, and quicker now though.
Mainly it's attacked the Hebe cuttings I took this year (about 80 of em) and any other cuttings.
Yesterday I scraped off more mouldy soil, cleaned the leaves and have put them all back outside in a sheltered area in the hope that the ventilation will at least be better.
What do I do now?

My greenhouse floor is soil so I'm guessing they're over wintering in that? Would gravelling the floor help? Will Jeyes fluid at least sterilise the floor for now?
What's the best method of cleaning all my surfaces and pots? Up till now I've just scrubbed pots after every use and dunked em in sterilising fluid.
Are there any Fungicides that may help to control it? I've been Cheshunt Compound may help but I've done some research and found a product called 'Mycostop' which is actually supposed to help. I believe that product is sold over here under the name 'Stimagro' - has anyone used it?
Finally, am I best to throw out all my overwintering Strawberry plants as they're badly affected (although do clean up) and get new ones next year?
Sorry for all the questions but I have no experience of this disease and I desperately do not want to lose my plants.