Author Topic: Moving pigs in a pick-up?  (Read 7608 times)


  • Joined Feb 2009
Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« on: July 03, 2009, 11:17:53 am »
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone knows if you're allowed to transport pigs to the abattoir with a pick-up truck in the UK.  It's a ford ranger and I assume the pigs could jump over the sides but if I could increase the height of the sides of the bed in the truck do you think I'd be OK. 

I guess my main concern is that when I get to the abattoir the vet would say it's unacceptable.  I can't really see why this would be the case but I thought I'd better check first so if anyone has any experience of using a pick-up, or knows someone who does, all advise would be greatly appreciated.



  • Joined Mar 2009
  • Argyll
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2009, 12:03:43 pm »
I once took one pig to the abbatoir in the back of my van!! I built a wee ramp for him to get in and out!!

The vet isn't normally there till the slaughtering, well in my abbatoir he not.

How do you intend on getting them in and out of the pick-up??


  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2009, 12:53:59 pm »
Either build a wee ramp myself or someone else on this forum mentioned that they prefere clambering up straw bails as they don't mind the climb, they just ain't too keen on the steepness.  I suppose I'd build a ramp though as they'd need to get down at the other end.

The bed on my truck isn't raised so it aint too high.  they're 4 months old now so if I could take them in the truck I'd start practising / experimenting straight away.

Did the pig seem happy enough in your van?  I hope it was a van with a seperate load compartment otherwise I can imagine he'd probably want to drive!!


  • Joined Mar 2009
  • Argyll
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2009, 03:04:58 pm »
It was a box we built for putting the collies inwhen travelling.

He just fell asleep in the straw till we got there.


  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2009, 04:15:21 pm »
I'm pretty sure its not permitted. I'm sure there is a rule about it somewhere. is there no one who could help out with a lift to the slaughterhouse.
here is a defra document Ive not read it so i don't know if it applies but I'm sure heard about someone being done for not transporting them safely.


  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2009, 05:53:52 pm »
I have a feeling that any livestock must now be transported in a proper livestock trailer - DEFRA rules.  I know moving my goats, and the sheep was a nightmare with movement papers, and cleaning trailer out before and after, and that was just moving to a new home, so can imagine going to the slaughter house is no different.

Someone told me they tried to bring a couple of lambs back from the market and were just putting them in their van, and were stopped.  They got someone with a trailer to take them from the market, met in a layby and popped the lambs in the van.  I would imagine that happens quite a bit, but its if you are caught.

Mr Pig

  • Joined Mar 2009
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2009, 11:09:19 pm »
Re Shetland Paul's response if you refer to the leaflet, your proposal regarding straw bales is never going to meet the ramp requirements and I'm fairly sure that a competent vet at the abattoir would have a field day quoting other aspects that would fail in your pick-up. Forget it. Borrow or buy a proper livestock trailer. Fewer sleepless nights the result.


  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2009, 11:31:08 pm »
Cheers for the responses guys.  Guess I'll go with public concensus ( and the law!) and fork out for a trailer or borrow one from the breeder.

I must say I find it a bit strange though, the bed's pretty much identical to a trailer but hey ho... I don't give them leftovers from vegetarian restaurants either so I guess this just falls into the same catergory.  Plus it's never nice having everyone laugh at you when you go to a new place, which is what I could see happening as the farmers saw me arriving in a pickup!  they'd think I was American!!


  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2009, 09:10:13 am »
nobody would laugh at you. but it would be a pity to get them hunting for you. 


  • Joined Jul 2009
Re: Moving pigs in a pick-up?
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2009, 09:56:25 pm »

A friend of mine many years ago was involved in a pretty nasty crash involving his old Peugeot pickup and a Land Rover. Unfortunately for my friend he had a young calf in the back which ended up (albeit in more than one piece) in the cab with my friend breaking an arm in the process. Wasn't a pretty sight. If the calf was in a trailer things would have been different.




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