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Author Topic: Lambing Course Scottish Borders  (Read 2757 times)


  • Joined Jul 2013
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Lambing Course Scottish Borders
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:53:14 am »
copied from SAC Consulting's Newsletter:

11 February 2014 at Greycrook, St Boswells

A practical look at management at lambing aimed at novices.

The course will cover:
- preparation for lambing (managing the ewe in late pregnancy and equipment checklist)
- signs of impending lambing, assistance, lambing routine, importance of colostrum, stomach tubing
- vet care - lambs - hypothermia, watery mouth, scours and congenital defects
- orphan lamb - fostering and artificial rearing
- lambing technique using 2 simulators
- castrating and tailing

9.30 to 3.30, cost £95 including lunch, eligible for LMO funding (but you would already need to have selected the training option on your LMO form - I've added that bit in)
01835 823322 to register.

Thought it might be of interest.


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