OK, thanks all.
Porterlauren - I took a similar approach with the ewe lambs we bought last week in that they were dosed up with Dectomax and then put in a small hurdle-pen in the back garden, which I move for them twice a day to give them fresh grass. The idea with that is that I don't need to put sheep in the garden again, so it doesn't matter if they drop worms there.
The vet is coming on Monday for something else, so I'll see if he recommends an FEC, or if they can now be set free (I believe the Dectomax doesn't have a problem with resistance yet?).
It's Bloomer's tup lamb who's the problem. Being a Shetland, I can't trust him to stay behind hurdles when there are lady sheep about, and the stable is awfully dark and potentially not escape proof either, so I was looking for an alternative.
That said Bloomer, if I'd realised just how many nasties he's potentially carrying, I might have thought twice!
. I definitely fancy worming him on your patch and then coming and collecting him a few days later if that's ok. How do you fancy helping me try to find enough muscle on the wee fella for an injection?