You know the phrase: "when it's not broke......"
Well, life is good, a little (20+) flock of rare breed sheep, half a dozen chickens who free range the garden all day, three wonderful black cats, the occasional pig....
And now the opportunity of bringing to the party a border collie cross huntaway puppy...
IF we proceeded, we'd definitely commit to proper training (for us and the dog!), and we'd imagine wanting the dog to do a little sheep work (but this is a very modest small-holding), and we would still want the chickens to free range, and we would definitely want our cats (who are all under 3, but who've not lived with dogs before) to continue with their happy, household domination!
Are we mad? Should we count are blessings and leave the menagerie as it is? Or can the arrival of a new species lead to a happy ending for everyone?