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Author Topic: Absolute bargain £5 deluxe beer making kit  (Read 3704 times)


  • Joined May 2016
Absolute bargain £5 deluxe beer making kit
« on: September 04, 2016, 04:25:54 pm »
Wanted to let you know too keep an eye out in wilko
Popped into wilko to pick up some more homebrew supplies and they had beer making deluxe kits for £5 in the clearance cages. Contains 25 ltr fermenting bucket with lid. 23 ltr pressure barrel, spoon, sterilising powder and syphon tube.
Not sure on the normal price as its end of line and not on the website anymore but sold separately the bucket is £10 barrel £30 spoon £1.50 and powder£2.50.


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