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Author Topic: Triplets, topping up milk.  (Read 4532 times)


  • Joined Sep 2011
  • West Yorks
Triplets, topping up milk.
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:29:52 pm »
My Toggy had triplets a week ago, 1 big fella and 2 smaller females.
The females are feeding but don't seem to be putting much weight on. (Must find my scales).
I'm thinking of topping them up with another goats milk, will their mum accept this, or will she reject them if they start smelling a bit different.
And will, say, 3 x 100ml bottles a day make any difference?
If I go down this route I would get some lamlac as they need more.
Would welcome any opinions and advice.


  • Joined Nov 2013
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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2018, 04:21:04 pm »
I've topped up some of my angoras with Lamblac for various reasons, it doesn't seem to bother the mum at all. Dairy goats should produce a lot more milk of course so others may comment on whether you just need to wait a day or so more for a bigger milk let down


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2018, 06:00:09 pm »
I would definitely get the scales out before topping up. As for mum being confused if it is still hers I don't know, mine are on bottles with pooled milk. I would have said introducing the Lamlac slowly may just fool her... Will they take a bottle? Do you know how much the dam may milk? Feeding triplets is quite an ask.... she should then have about 6ltrs of milk per day? Unless you are keeping the boy for breeding - can you take him off her and onto Lamlac and wean early - if you only want meat on him (rather than bones) he may be better off on calf nuts quite early on?  Just some thoughts.... difficult to advise without seeing the kids/dam etc etc


  • Joined Feb 2017
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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2018, 07:11:19 pm »
I find that the problem topping up with lamlac is that the lambs quickly get a taste for their mothers milk and won't take the two different types at the same time. I'd take off one of the kids and hand rear it.


  • Joined Sep 2011
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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2018, 10:18:14 pm »
Thanks, things to think about.
I can't really take one off, nobody to keep him/her company.
She will take a bottle, gave her a couple of 100ml bottles first day, and she took a small bottle easily this morning. (which thinking about it does suggest she IS hungry.).
May try and sell the boy, he's polled, not sure if that's good or bad?
I've found they do quite well on a mix of natural and lamlac, in the past I've used what milk I have available and made up quantity with lamlac,  so if I introduce it slowly I think we'll manage.
Had them disbudded today, should have asked for weights ?.


  • Joined Nov 2011
Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2018, 06:35:45 am »
I top up angora kids or lambs with dairy goat milk with no problems and without having them suck a bottle early.  If they're hungry they take it easily.
I just offer a 500ml bottle morning and evening when I go to feed the adults, no hassle for me, the kids suck from mum the rest of the time but don't take so much so it's there for the others that don't want a bottle, mum's milk is still stimulated so doesn't drop off.

Not tried using lamlac but shouldn't be a problem.  The mum's seem quite happy having someone else take the load off her.


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • St Boswells, Scottish Borders
Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2018, 07:02:53 am »
I have used Lamlac, but I think it needs to made up thinner than for lambs. Not sure it says on the bag.... If they take the bottle willingly I would top up.


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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2018, 07:30:03 am »
I would give all three a bottle ...... Giving boy bottle leaves more mum milk for girls hopefully.

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  • Joined Jul 2014
Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2018, 08:18:04 am »
I have used Lamlac, but I think it needs to made up thinner than for lambs. Not sure it says on the bag.... If they take the bottle willingly I would top up.
It does say on the bag. Kids 150g Lambs 200g so at ¾ strength.  Having watched kids push each other off the teats of a bucket I would not like to leave three with the mother as the udder is at serious risk of damage as the kids grow.


  • Joined Nov 2013
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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2018, 12:20:06 pm »
Yes I can't imagine it is lack of milk, it is more about the tugging and pulling and wear on the udders.


  • Joined Sep 2011
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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2018, 01:30:17 pm »
Cin is 10yr old this time, her breeder wasn't happy about me putting her in kid again, 2016 and 17 she had lammy, caused I believe by over feeding concentrates and 2017 she got into a tub of wheat, a few days before kidding. So this year I increased her feed but not as much as 2016 kidding, obviously not knowing she had 3 in there. Always had twins. So now i suppose I'm getting the results of underfeeding. Increasing but been advised to feed carbohydrates rather than protein,  not sure shes happy about that, she's getting more mixed flake, sugar beet and whole soaked maize, ewe nuts, and now I'll start increasing her goat mix. Not sure what else I can do?
Also noticed some time ago she had an odd grin when she was watching me, had a look recently and her teeth come out further than the pad, I know she used to be right, so I suppose that's age, but presuming she can pull hay and chew OK.
Baby had a small bottle this morning, just off to give her another, the others don't want to know.
When my Boer had triplets they actually bit her teats when trying to hang on, ended up taking one off and she was on AB's, so I'm watching for that,

Edited - took one kid off, not one teat :D .
When I read thru again it sounded a bit vague..
« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 05:57:47 pm by Penninehillbilly »


  • Joined Nov 2015
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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2018, 07:21:26 am »
How are your triplets doing Penninehillbilly?

I just had three born yesterday afternoon to my first time mum! Quite a shock!


  • Joined Oct 2012
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Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2018, 09:04:03 am »
Not sure about the advice to feed carbohydrates over protein, particularly with history of laminitis!
The thing that will increase milk yield is forage - plenty grass, quality hay, or as suggested, alfalfa, ready grass type feeds. Carbohydrates can increase fat percentage in milk, but with risk of grain overload and laminitis.
I think it sounds like you're doing right by keeping a close eye and topping up with a bottle.
I also think that you are better to have slightly underfed than overfed before kidding as much less risk to mum and babies, you can always supplement feed for mum and babies afterwards, but laminitis, ketosis, trouble birthing large kids can all be fatal!


  • Joined Sep 2011
  • West Yorks
Re: Triplets, topping up milk.
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2018, 11:28:56 am »
Hi, thanks for that fsm, nice to know my own instincts were right, and good to hear from you again  :) .
Triplets all doing well, 1 female in particular loves her bottle, then she goes and has a feed off mum. Little dafties  ::) .
Currently on 4 bottles a day, 2 of 200ml and 2 of 300ml, Inc 100ml of lamlac to make up the 300ml.
Now they all want the bottle, but first female gives it more welly, i think other 2 only want it because she's getting some, the other female probably has about 100ml of the the 300ml.
Good luck with your babies Flump74  :)


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