Haha! I hope the festivities went well and that you are none the worst for wear...
Thankfully, I kept the original building. It measures 18' x 12' and has windows facing East. So the light is there in the morning but not so much for the rest of the day.

I bought the property with B1 permission. None of the conditions of that had been started at that point, so the first thing I did was to create the drive, turning place and parking spaces as specified in the B1 permission... the building is set quite a way back from the road.
Next I connected up to electricity & water (although there is a well, it would have been very expensive to convert).
Then I bought and installed a sewage treatment plant & installed the WC. This takes up more space than I'd like, but I think it had to comply with disability regulations. There is a small area with a sink, worktop, shelves, and the rest is 'office' space... which
could be used as an artists studio quite easily, as the enforcement officer has pointed out to me... but it's a bit cramped if you want to create larger works, and as I mentioned, the natural light is lacking from around mid day... Hence the extra space in the silo, which has windows all round and two hatches in the roof space which provide amazing light throughout the day. (See attached of the inside if the silo, taken prior to the mezzanine floor being added).
I am passionate about creating the nature reserve and I have a lot of garden tools & equipment and other bits and bobs which would create a mess if stored outside...sacks of compost & flowerpots, wheelbarrows, fence posts, ladders...well, you know the kind of things which most people keep in their sheds...
I don't know how else I could store all this stuff... one of those storage containers
might be allowed, but in my opinion would look ugly...and in any case, I don't have any money to buy one, so...
It always comes back to money... My main fear is the cost of taking the silo down... I'd have to sell the land to pay
for it... the worry keeps me awake at night.

Well... hopefully next year will be better... Speak again soon! D x